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You made it this far great and thank you.

This is a short intro to how and why I got started with MSFS and also my journey so far.

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My Introduction to MSFS

Getting the Best out of MSFS


I started using Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 (MSFS)

when it first appeared nearly 4 years ago now. Having a

small budget to play with I was intrigued to see if the claims that it could run on a medium spec PC were true. Taking a leap of faith I dived into my new world of Flight Sim and approached an online PC Company (PC Specialist) to build my dream PC. How quickly I came down to earth and realised that I would be heading for the middle of the road PC at best. I ended up ordering a Ryzen 5 CPU along with a 500W PSU and a AMD 5500XT GPU and sat back for my pride and joy to arrive. Some weeks later it arrived and I started it up and loaded in MSFS for the first time. I realised then that my settings and expectations were at best going to be Medium with the odd High setting. Like most other people I guess you spend quite a of time playing and tinkering with the settings to get the best out of the sim. In fact probably I spend more time messing about with LOD etc that actually using it (LOL) I quickly came to realise that I was going to need an upgrade at some point even at this early stage. So it was 3 years later I bought a 750W PSU a RTX 3070ti GPU and a Ryzen 7 5800X CPU. I am now running at all high settings and a few on Ultra (clouds and buildings and Grass I think) I am happy with these, as  I generally get approx 40-55FPS depending on which aircraft I use. On that point (aircraft) I am 100% GA so If you are still reading this and have an urge to fly an A320 this is probably not the site for you as I have no idea how those work or fly for that matter.

Even now with my 'happy' settings I still yearn for more power though and that elusive RTX 4090 (that my wife won't let me have) so that I can safely venture into Heathrow airport without my PC stuttering and grinding to a halt at 15-20FPS. My point is that you can spend and absolute fortune on this hobby, but my advice would be to reign in those expectations and aim for a medium spec PC as the quality you get apart from the value of visiting bigger airports is not really that noticeable IMHO. Hopefully you will see this in some of my YouTube videos and maybe we can fly together on this journey with MSFS and maybe in the future with MSFS2024 (more on that later). But for more info some great downloads please click on the downloads link above. (downloads are coming soon)


I'm always looking for new and exciting places to visit on MSFS please contact me through..????

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