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Cold and Dark Starts.


I have just made my first cold and dark start Video on You tube for the Carenado PC12, I know its a bit late in the day as this aircraft has been on the market for over a year now. But it is still one of my favourite and a lovely aircraft to fly. It is well known as a versatile and go anywhere aircraft that can land on Grass strips, tarmac, snow, short landing strips. This short 5 min Video is my start up procedure so may not be the perfect way to start her up but so far it has worked for me. I will be doing lots more Cold and Dark start up videos of some my favourite GA aircraft in the coming months. if there is a specific one that you would like to see then drop me a comment below and I will see what I can come up with. But my plans initially would be:

  • Basic Start for the C152 by JP Logistics and ASOBO

  • The Black Square ASOBO Beech Baron

  • The Sim Works Studios Kodiak

  • The A2A Simulations PA24 Commanche

  • The Carenado M20R Mooney

  • An old but great Just Flight Piper PA28

  • The Amazing (I think) Milvis (now Blackbird Sim) C310

  • Finally the Black Square (analogue) and ASOBO C208 Caravan

So hopefully these will keep me busy over the next few weeks, if you do want anything else and you can put up with my voice overs then let me know. As you can tell from my videos so far I am not an expert nor do I profess to be. Just take me as I come, I will hope to improve my dialogue the more I do, but there will be errors along the way.

I will then hopefully do some cross country flights around the world in differing weather conditions VFR and IFR using say Intentions where and when I can. I really hope that you can join me on my journey with MSFS.

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